I have come to the conclusion that Barry, aka Mr. Kersey, never left the scene.
Just look at his site now:
Ads for Fast Seduction and Speer.
Pick a fucking side Barry, you can't douche on the scene and then advertise for the scene at the same time.
I think his whole "I hate Tyler, I hate the scene" thing was just a bunch of crap. It was bullshit. He was just having a little temper tantrum, when he really loved the scene.
Next he will start offering bootcamps and dating advice, just watch.
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Everyone sucks, except for gunwitch and cam.
The Brazilians were the best when he was pushing their nine hundred dollar bootcamp for twenty or thirty nine hundred. Until he never sold one.
Stephan Nash was also one of the only trusted ones out there.
Wonder where he went? Same place as the money.